Wood Burning Ornaments

When I was sick earlier this year, I took up wood burning. I started thinking that making ornaments might be fun and found inspiration on Pinterest. I went out and purchased a few wooden rounds to test, but didn't find time to get back to the project until last week.

I started out with two basic ideas, just to get back into the groove. What I've discovered is that the wood that these rounds are made out of is really soft and leads to an uneven burn if you're not careful. Still, I like the way they turned out. I'm thinking I may stain them more of a golden colour, since the wood is so very, very pale. Hanging from a red ribbon, I think these will make a nice gift.

I saw a few cute designs on Pinterest that featured foxes, so I may try something like that next month when I have more time.

What would you like to see on a wood burned ornament?

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