Ask Your Friends for Help

Let's face it, even the most productive and disciplined writers sometimes find it difficult to get motivated. Even I -- the person writing a blog to help you achieve your writing goals -- sometimes hit a wall.

Take Monday, November 2nd, for example. I'd been away for more than a week, I'd had a busy weekend, and the clocks had fallen back, making it dark very early in the evening. I arrived home from work around 3:30pm and was supposed to attend a writing session at 7pm. As it got darker and darker, my sofa got more and more comfortable. By 5:30, I knew that if I didn't get moving soon, I would be trapped in a sofa vortex and I wouldn't go at all.

So, I sent my friend and colleague a message asking if we could change the start time of the writing session. Lucky for me, she agreed that we could meet at 6pm instead of 7pm. I jumped off the sofa, grabbed my laptop, and headed immediately to the car. Soon installed at our writing session, we chatted a bit and wrote a bit and ate a few delicious cookies. Two hours later I had 3 pages of an article written.

It's important to know yourself -- to be able to recognize the signs that you're losing motivation -- and then take action to change things up.

And when motivation fails you, don't be afraid to ask your friends or colleagues for help.

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