I've Lost That Crafty Feeling

I haven't been feeling very crafty lately. I'm not sure why that is, but I suppose one can't feel that way all the time. As the days have passed, I've thought about doing something almost every evening, but inspiration never really hit (even after scrolling through Pinterest). I've also thought about my withering blog (and felt a little guilty in the process), but until just now -- this very minute -- I had no idea that a full month had passed since I last blogged! I honestly have no idea where the last month went.

Tonight, after finding a kernel of inspiration on Pinterest, I decided to use up some leftover paper from previous bookbinding projects to make small notebooks. Nothing fancy here. The pages were end pieces that I didn't want to recycle because they could be used for scribbling notes.

In the first notebook, I used a Christmas card from a neighbour as a cover.

In the second, I used a Kashi granola bar box and decorated it with some washi tape (Kashi, washi -- they go together).

Perhaps not very exciting, but at least I did something!

And hopefully that crafty feeling will return very soon.